No such thing as a stupid question?
We got one
Taken from
The Guardian's report on the Kansas educational crisis.
John James, who warned that the teaching of evolution led to nihilism, and to the gates of Auschwitz. "Are we producing little Kansas Nazis?" he asked.
Yeah, I think we have all established that the reason Hitler targetted the Jews was because he was a staunch evolutionist. Idiot.
But the largest applause of the evening was reserved for a silver-haired gentleman in a navy blue blazer. "I have a question: if man comes from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? Why do you waste time teaching something in science class that is not scientific?" he thundered.
Now there's a stupid question if ever there was one. Man doesn't come from monkeys. And no one says man comes from monkeys. Except for creationists who love a good straw man argument.
Stupidity reigns in Kansas, and soon they will have a Flood.
posted by Manchild at 11:30 AM