you obviously have


Right now I'm...

Listening to :
Nick Cave : Murder Ballads

Reading :
Defying Hitler

Occupation :

Weirdest Dream lately :
I dreamed I was on the "other side" when my Dad was passing. I spoke to him and made sure he was okay. Then I woke, and knew he was gone. 30 minutes later, we got the call from the hospital saying that his blood pressure had crashed in the last 30 minutes.

Currently working on :
A BTVS related story called "Long Goodbye" which deals with a member of the Watchers Council being vamped as part of an experiment.
Also completing my nanowrimo effort.



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   Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Too late for Superman

Stories like this give me hope. Just because Bush has foolishly turned his back on avenues for medical advances, doesn't mean the rest of the world needs to fall behind.

Story here.

Hwang Mi-Soon, 37, had been bedridden since an accident in 1985 damaged her lower back and hips. Afterwards, she was confined to her bed or a wheelchair.

Today, she can walk again, thanks to Stem cells. She's the first person in the world to have been treated and cured in this way, but she won't be the last.

What's more, even the religious arguments against stem-cells fall short in this case, as the doctors managed to isolate the stem cells from umbilical cord blood. And while I'm not a doctor, I'm pretty certain that that blood can be sampled without killing the foetus.

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the amazing doctors in South Korea who made this possible.

Ex scientia per ardua ad astra.

I don't know what your final quote means, but that bit of news is amazing. I can only imagine where the cures can go from here.
It means
From science, through difficulties, the stars.
I guess K Man, for me, the difference is this...

Abortion already exists as a de facto reality.

It is possible (though unlikely) that we will return to the days where abortion is illegal. But even then, when it was illegal, it still continued.

Stem cell research is based on the material left after an abortion. It is not something which is an incentive to abort. It is not a case of the medical community paying pregnant women to abort, just so they can have some material.

The abortions are already done. The only question is, can we do something positive with what remains, or do we send it to a land-fill in a drum marked "bio-hazzard" ?

I favour the research, every time.

I suppose it might be considered comparable to saying... "the nazi's did plenty of experiments on their prisoners in terms of oxygen deprivation, hypothermia, etc... Is it ethical to take that research, and use it to further medical knowledge?"

This argument has been put forward in the past. Some say that because the material was gained unethically, that we would be morally culpable if we used it. Regardless of the end benefits. Others say, let's use the knowledge to improve lives, and make the sacrifice and pain of the victims worth something.

Again, I'm in the latter camp.
Sorry Kamin, I have to agree with MC on this one. I don't think anyone sits back and says, "Gee, maybe I'll have an abortion so that I can donate some stem cells."
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